1. Overview

INDEED (IDD) is a new tipping and utility token created on the Hive blockchain, aimed at promoting agreement, engagement, and growth within the Hive community.

The idea for the token sprung from the many conversations between @tydynrain and @borniet. As we often agree on one another’s posts and comments, we found that we’re using the term ‘indeed’ quite often. So why not create a tipping bot and token for agreeing with people, with growth and Maximum Mutual Benefit in the back of our heads?

The INDEED ecosystem is built around a simple yet powerful concept: reward users for agreeing with valuable content, fostering a positive feedback loop. With the introduction of a unique tipping bot that responds to the !INDEED command, INDEED aims to create a win-win situation where both the sender and the recipient of a tip are rewarded (the MMB ideology).


Our vision is to build a community-driven ecosystem where users are incentivized to support content they agree with, while also having the opportunity to earn passive income through staking and other future developments. The INDEED token is more than just a tipping tool; it is the foundation for a broader ecosystem that includes staking rewards, income generation, and future expansions such as a miner token.

2. Features and Functionality

2.1 Tipping Bot

The core feature of INDEED is its tipping bot, which allows users to send tips using the !INDEED command. When this command is invoked:

This creates a mutually beneficial scenario, encouraging users to participate actively in content curation and engagement.

2.2 Staking

In the future, we will introduce staking for INDEED tokens, allowing users to lock up their IDD in exchange for rewards. These rewards may come in the form of additional IDD tokens, Hive dividends, or other benefits as the ecosystem grows. Staking will serve as a cornerstone for long-term investment in the INDEED ecosystem.

2.3 Miner Token

We plan to launch a miner token that will enable users to mine IDD tokens passively. The miner token will be an essential part of the ecosystem, offering another way for users to earn IDD and participate in the growth of the community.

2.4 Income Generation

As the INDEED ecosystem expands, we will explore additional income-generating mechanisms. These may include revenue-sharing models, where stakers and active participants in the ecosystem can earn a portion of the income generated by various INDEED-related activities.

3. Tokenomics